Behind the Pinterest Addict

Sunday, January 6, 2013

DIY Fabric Softener

There are 2 things I like to get from my laundry.  1) Softness 2) Yumminess (by that, in this case, I mean scent).

Any laundry "extras" , that do not include the detergent itself,  can be considered unnecessary, not to mention costly.  (Click "detergent" for my recipe).
Let me reiterate that this is not a recipe I came up with myself.  After all, this is a Pinterest blog!

Here's what you'll need:
scented hair conditioner

I didn't put the amount because it's a 1 to 1 ratio.  So if you use 4 cups of conditioner, then you use 4 cups of vinegar.  I use a cheap conditioner with a pretty scent.  One of my favorite scents is the strawberry V05 conditioner, but I like to mix it up. And admittedly, I pretty much buy what ever is on sale or I have coupons for.  In this case I used Suave Coconut and was able to get it for .96C/bottle.  I don't recall the cost of the vinegar, but I'll update with that later.

Pour both the conditioner and vinegar into a bowl.  You'll notice that it's clumpy.  Mix until it's smooth.  If you have a mixer it would be helpful, but it really doesn't take long to mix it by hand.

As you can see I use a recycled detergent bottle that I've appropriate labeled, so very elegantly with masking tape as "Fabric Softener". You don't want the mixture to smell like vinegar, so if you feel that it does then simply add more conditioner (a little at a time.)

Then pour into a container to use!
I use roughly 1/3 C per load.
This particular load was 100 FL oz for less than $4.  That's about 39 Cups.  But, you can also make dryer sheets and Febreze with it!

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